HydroWASTE: Global wastewater treatment plant database Date: December 2021 Version: 1.0 Reference paper: Ehalt Macedo, H., Lehner, B., Nicell, J. A., Grill, G., Li, J., Limtong, A., Shakya, R.: Distribution and characteristics of wastewater treatment plants within the global river network. Earth System Science Data. 2022. Correspondence to: Heloisa Ehalt Macedo (heloisa.ehaltmacedo@mail.mcgill.ca) or Bernhard Lehner (bernhard.lehner@mcgill.ca) Column description: WASTE_ID ID of WWTP in HydroWASTE SOURCE National/regional dataset: 1 = Europe; 2 = United States; 3 = Brazil; 4 = Mexico; 5 = China; 6 = Canada; 7 = Australia; 8 = South Africa; 9 = India; 10 = New Zealand; 11 = Peru; 12 = Remaining Countries ORG_ID ID from national/regional dataset (see reference paper for more information) WWTP_NAME Name of the WWTP from national/regional dataset (empty if not reported) COUNTRY Country in which WWTP is located CNTRY_ISO Country ISO LAT_WWTP Latitude of reported WWTP location LON_WWTP Longitude of reported WWTP location QUAL_LOC Quality indicator related to reported WWTP location (see SI of reference paper for more information): 1 = high (tests indicated >80% of reported WWTP locations in country/region to be accurate); 2 = medium (tests indicated between 50% and 80% of reported WWTP locations in country/region to be accurate); 3 = low (tests indicated <50% of reported WWTP locations in country/region to be accurate); 4 = Quality of WWTP locations in country/region not analysed LAT_OUT Latitude of the estimated outfall location (see reference paper for more information) LON_OUT Longitude of the estimated outfall location (see reference paper for more information) STATUS Status of the WWTP from national/regional dataset: Closed, Construction Completed, Decommissioned, Non-Operational, Operational, Projected, Proposed, Under Construction, Not Reported (assumed operational) POP_SERVED Population served by the WWTP QUAL_POP Quality indicator related to the attribute "population served" (see reference paper for more information): 1 = Reported as ‘population served’ by national/regional dataset; 2 = Reported as ‘population equivalent’ by national/regional dataset; 3 = Estimated (with wastewater discharge available); 4 = Estimated (without wastewater discharge available) WASTE_DIS Treated wastewater discharged by the WWTP in m3 d-1 QUAL_WASTE Quality indicator related to the attribute "Treated wastewater discharged" (see reference paper for more information): 1 = Reported as ‘treated’ by national/regional dataset; 2 = Reported as ‘design capacity’ by national/regional dataset; 3 = Reported but type not identified; 4 = Estimated LEVEL Level of treatment of the WWTP: Primary, Secondary, Advanced QUAL_LEVEL Quality indicator related to the attribute "level of treatment" (see reference paper for more information): 1 = Reported by national/regional dataset; 2 = Estimated DF Estimated dilution factor (empty if estimated outfall location is the ocean or large lake; see reference paper for more information) HYRIV_ID ID of associated river reach in RiverATLAS at estimated outfall location (link to HydroATLAS database; empty if estimated outfall location is the ocean or an endorheic sink) RIVER_DIS Estimated river discharge at the WWTP outfall location in m3 s-1 (derived from HydroATLAS database; empty if estimated outfall location is the ocean) COAST_10KM 1 = Estimated outfall location within 10 km of the ocean or a large lake (surface area larger than 500 km2); 0 = Estimated outfall location further than 10 km of the ocean or a large lake (surface area larger than 500 km2) COAST_50KM 1 = Estimated outfall location within 50 km of the ocean or a large lake (surface area larger than 500 km2); 0 = Estimated outfall location further than 50 km of the ocean or a large lake (surface area larger than 500 km2) DESIGN_CAP Design capacity of WWTP as reported in national/regional dataset (empty if not reported) QUAL_CAP Quality indicator related to the attribute "design capacity": 1 = Reported as design capacity in m3 d-1; 2 = Reported as design capacity in 'population equivalent'; 3 = Not reported